******Please read this even if your child does not get the school bus******
Dear Parent/Guardian
As you are no doubt aware, bus going children need to be supervised walking to and from the school bus in the morning and in the afternoon. Supervision is necessary to ensure their safety on the footpath and steps and to make sure that they are boarding and exiting their buses safely. The presence of these supervisors also helps with the safe passage of ALL children entering and exiting the school campus at these times.
From experience we have found that having a rota of parents/guardians, who are willing and able to volunteer a few minutes of their time one morning or afternoon each week is the most effective and efficient way to organise this supervision.
We are looking for a new person to put together this rota for the coming school year.
The role of the Bus Co-ordinator would involve:-
- Seeking volunteers for supervision, either via facebook or notes home
- Collating the volunteers into a rota which suits everyone.
- Distributing rota to all volunteers, with phone numbers, so that they can organise swaps/substitutions where necessary.
- Dealing with swaps/substitutions where people haven’t had time to do so themselves for whatever reason.
The initial call out for volunteers will need to go out in mid August, to ensure that there are sufficient supervisors for September, so it would be great if we had a volunteer to take over this role before the end of term. As always we continue to seek your help as a volunteer, in whatever way you can offer it. You may not be currently in a position to supervise etc., so perhaps you might consider this role? As always we thank you for your continued support.
If you think you can help or would like to find out more about the role, please do not hesitate to contact lecheilepta@hotmail.com, mobile 087 7777987 and/or susiewall.69@gmail.com, mobile 086 1904922.
Many thanks, The PTA.