Laura’s Junior Infants
We have had another wonderful month in Junior Infants!Our Aistear theme was ‘The Farm’ and we loved playing in the farm shop and making our own farm animals in art. We also celebrated Wellbeing Week through listening to relaxing music, taking a nature walk and painting some stones. We had a brilliant time wearing in our special […]
October in Claire’s Class

Well done Junior Infants on your first half term in Le Chéíle. We are very proud of you! Our theme this month was The Farm. We celebrated all our hard work and effort during our Dress Up Day party. Have a look… Dress Up Day
Laura’s Junior Infants

The children in Junior Infants have been doing super work since they’ve started school. Our theme for September was ‘The Home’ and the girls and boys had great fun exploring this theme in Aistear. They have been working really hard on their fine motor skills and have made lots of beautiful artwork!We are having a great time […]
Claire’s Junior Infants

Just like that our first month in Junior Infants is over, and what a busy month it was. Have a look at some of the things we got up to!
Claire’s Junior Infants

Well done to all the children who started in Junior Infants. We are very proud of each and every child. They have settled in nicely and are very busy. They have made new friends, worked hard on their fine motor skills and even did some work in their new workbooks. Have a look what at […]
Le Chéile PTA Minutes 23rd June 20

Download PTA Meeting Minutes 23rd June 20 Next Meeting: 22nd September 2020 @ 7.30PM via Zoom (TBC)
STEM Week 2020
Well done to everyone who took park in STEM Week 2020. We loved looking at your photos. Here’s a short slideshow of what some of you got up to. Maith sibh a pháistí!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Here is a short slide show showing off all the fantastic entries we received for Seachtain na Gaeilge . They were all as fabulous as each other so maith sibh to everyone who sent them in. Bhí siad ar fheabhas! 🙂 Details of winners to follow soon.