Swimming – Do’s Don’ts
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The inclusion of the aquatics strand to the PE curriculum has been a great success in Le Chéile. The senior classes are well used to the routine involved but as this term will be your child’s first time attending school swimming lessons the following is a list of some dos and don’ts to make the experience easier for the children.
Do bring a swim bag containing
- Togs (can be worn to school that morning to speed up changing but remember to have a change of underwear in the bag for after the swim)
- Towel
- Swim hat (Aura pool strictly enforces the “No hat No swim” rule)
- Goggles (optional)
- Flip Flops or Crocs (optional)
- Hair brush (optional)– girls are advised to have long hair plaited or tied up that morning
Don’t bring
- Shampoo
- Soap
- Sprays
- Jewellery
If your child comes to school on the bus remind them not to leave their swim bag on the bus.
Please send in a note with your child to the class teacher if, for whatever reason, your child will not be able to attend swimming that particular week. Arrangements will then be made to have your child supervised by another class teacher.
Your child is responsible for their own belongings. Teachers will ensure as best they can that nothing is left behind in the dressing rooms but in the event of items left behind they may be retrieved by parents directly from the swimming pool’s lost and found.
Teachers will mind children’s glasses for the duration of the swim if necessary.
If your child does not have their swim bag on swimming day it is the policy of the school not to ring home to request it. Arrangements will be made to have your child supervised by another class teacher on that occasion.
We trust that the above guidelines will enable our new swimmers to have a fun swimming experience every week.
Class Teachers