As we approach another fundraising day we thought we would take the opportunity to thank most sincerely our hard working Fundraising committee: Kieran Gallagher, Lisa Welthagen, June Connell, Fiona Kerbey, Rachel Birdwisa and Aoife McPartlin. They have worked tirelessly over the years, with the support of the members of the PTA, to make our lives and the lives of the children in the school, better. Many people have asked where the money goes.
Here is a synopsis:
All monies are managed by the Board of Management and the ultimate decision for the use of that money lies with the board. Money collected is directed in two directions: to subsidise additional activities undertaken by the children e.g. swimming and for named activities e.g. development of the library.
Subsidised activities:
It is very important to note that the children of the school never pay the full amount for any activity undertaken.
- Bus fares are always reduced by up to a half. This includes trips to GAA events, swimming, to concerts, competitions and arts events.
- The total fare is paid by the school when the children involved are attending team events to represent the school e.g. football and chess matches.
- Swimming is undertaken by children from third class onwards. The cost of lessons is considerably reduced by the subsidy paid by the school.
- Musical events and classes are subsidised. This year the Infants had “Little Music Makers” classes, the 1st-3rd and 6ths had dance classes, 4th class participated in the Cross Border concerts the 1st, 2nds and fifths had Samba classes, the thirds attended a concert in the National Concert Hall. All of these activities were subsidised by one third, thanks to fundraising funds.
Development Projects:
Over the years we have had several targeted projects for development. Such projects include:
- Development of classroom resources and equipment
- Purchasing of additional books for the school e.g. sets of class novels, additional sets of books for the classroom libraries, sets of dictionaries and atlases etc.
- Development of the library
- IT development. The purchasing of the set of laptops and laptop trolley for use by the children.
- PE equipment and resources
- Payment of experts e.g. musicians, the recent astronomer and other professionals, to deliver talks or training.
- On occasion, psychologists are paid for their support of particular children who cannot access the NEPS psychologist
- Most recently, the purchasing of iPads for use by children attending Special Education. The funds raised at the Christmas Fair were targeted for this.
People may wonder what the school capitation grant is used for. This has reduced by 15 % in the last eight years while costs have not. This money is used to cover the running costs of the school; heating, lighting, maintenance etc. The running costs in a school the size of Le Chéile are considerable and very little remains to do development projects or to subsidise children’s activities. This is why we are dependent on fundraised money and really appreciate the efforts of our fundraisers.
We have a fabulous school with children who are thriving on the opportunities they are being given. We are very proud of them and of how they are developing and would like to think we can continue to offer the same possibilities for the children who are just starting at Le Chéile. So we ask you, please continue the fantastic work of our fundraisers and support our Crazy Golf day on Friday May 27th, the proceeds of which are earmarked for the development of things musical in the school. We even hope to start developing an orchestra as part of that!
Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Kieran Gallagher who has headed up the Fundraising team over the last number of years. He has shown unique commitment, determination and imagination and been the creator of many exciting and memorable events. Kieran is in his last year at Le Chéile, as his children move on to bigger and better things. Many many thanks Kieran, you will be a hard act to follow!
The Board of Management
24th May 2016