Erasmus+ Project – Logo Competition Winners

An Erasmus+ logo competition for “Magic and Myths Unite Europe” was held recently in Le Chéile. All children in Le Chéile were asked to design a logo to represent our project not just here in Le Chéile but across Europe. A similar competition was held simultaneously across all of our partner schools. Five logos from each of the eight countries were brought to Turkey where they were shown alongside entries from Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Romania and Finland. An eventual winning design was selected.

In Le Chéile, a winning design was chosen from each class and European themed prizes and certificates  given accordingly. Our class logo winners were: James French Fiona’s 6th, Morgan O’Reilly Ryan Heather’s 6th, Sophie Gallagher Aidan’s 5th, Sophie Gartland Susan’s 5th, Alex Russell Maureen’s 4th, Alex Holt Nicola’s 4th, Charlotte Fox Monica’s 3rd, Kathleen Hayes Kim’s 3rd, Isabel Dony Rachel’s 2nd, Harrison Phillips Nicola’s 2nd, Maia Murphy Arianna’s 1st, Francesco Smith Eva’s 1st, Killian Louarn Claire’s Senior Infants, Katie Keogh Elaine’s Senior Infants, Meeda Mc Carthy Julie’s Junior Infants and Nicole Casey Emma’s Junior Infants.

The overall winner was Lefki Antoniou from Alambra Primary, Nicossia, Cyprus.

All winning logos from Le Cheile and the winning logo are on display upstairs on the Erasmus+ board oppositie the lift. Entries from our partner schools can be seen on