Le Cheile PTA – Minutes – 5th April 2016
Le Cheile PTA – Minutes
5th April 2016
Attendees: Caroline Nowell, Jeff Sweetman, Stephanie Philips, Tess Martin, Nicole Nigro, Ian Casey, Jonathan Murphy, Nicola Kelly, Rachel Levins, Roberta Martinoutyle, Nina Stiechuk, Laura Whelan, Neal McDonnell, Patricia Ryan, Orla Costello, Fiona Roberston.
Apologies: Louise O’Reilly-Ryan, Lara Synnott, Barbara O’Connell
- Actions from Last Meeting
- Summer Camp
- It was also highlighted that the summer camp might be opened to new junior infants about to start in Le Cheile. Action: Fiona Robertson to confirm with Fiona Rock this will occur. Update 06.04.2016 Due to insurance and health and safety challenges, this cannot happen this year, but will be reviewed next year. Closed
- Update on School Rep Emails
- Action: Ian Casey to publish class rep emails with note on facebook/ website. Closed.
- Book Fair
- Action: Book Fair team to work with Genevieve Damron to manage collections. Closed The book fair raised EUR2,271.06 for school books/library, so was a great success. A book voucher from Scholastic has already been received. An additional book voucher is also expected when “We are Writers” is published.
- National Exhibitions
- Action carried forward: Nicola K to ask the school whether school will organise for the 2017 exhibition. Update 06.04.2016 This can occur, but won’t be looked at until closer to the time. C/F to 2016-2017. Carry Forward
- Insurance and using Event Brite
- Action: Nicola Kelly to confirm with Geraldine whether Aladdin could be used for Insurance, mind there is a need to obtain an acknowledgement from parents at point of entry into Aladdin Update 06.04.2016 This cannot be used as there is no ability to accept T&C’s via Aladdin. Action: Ian Casey to review cheaper alternative to Eventbrite suggested by another parent.
- Easter News Letter
- Action: Trish Ryan to confirm with teachers that closing date for submissions is 11/03/2016. Closed
- New PTA Members
- Action: All PTA attendees to reach out to any friends they have, with particular importance placed on new parents to Le Cheile, to see if we can encourage new attendees. Update 06.04.2016 This is occurring but requires constant review. Open
- School Disco
- Action: Joanne Campbell to finalise date for disco Update 05.04.2016 Confirmed as Friday 24.Jun.16. Fiona & the Grammer School have given the date the go ahead. Michael Gerrard has agreed to DJ. Closed
- The Buddy Bench
- Action: Nicola Kelly to discuss with the teachers the installation of a buddy bench in the yard. Update 06.04.2016 School are going to look into this.In addition, new equipment has been bought for the playgrounds which will be added. Parent said they would check whether they could source two benches. It was also suggested that the associated awareness programme would be rolled out by the school. Action: Neal McDonnell to see if two benches can be sourced to provide to the school Action: Nicola Kelly to confirm that an awareness programme of some sort would be rolled out with the buddy bench, if bench development agreed to by staff.
- Other items
- Action: Fiona Roberston to publish ask for PTA PR Rep on facebook/ website. Anyone interested should email lecheileptasec@gmail.com Update 06.04.2016 Orla Costello has volunteered. Closed
- Publishing in the Meath Coaster has proved challenging in the past. Action: Barbara O’Connell to enquire how to improve its chances of having articles published in the Meath Coaster Update: There was an issue with the content of that one article because it involved Turkey, and the paper has concerns about the political regime in Turkey. Le Chéile can have a regular slot, as long as the article is filed on time, and he has no space restrictions. Closed
- Food buddies/ Healthy Foods –Action: Nicola Kelly to discuss with teachers what can be re-introduced for healthy foods. Update 06.04.2016 Nicola updated teachers have said that they are definitely stepping up efforts to tackle healthy food this term, but there is no formal food buddy programme planned beyond this term. PTA will review again next term. C/F to 2016-2017. Carry Forward
- The school website and school log change were discussed. Action: Cara Driscoll to check with the BOM as to who is responsible for the school website, how are their services being funded and, if they are being funded from school funds, whether the BOM could engage more with the PTA and parents who have skills in design to complete future website/ logo design changes (on a volunteer basis). Update 24.02.2016: The website is being overhauled by a parent- Tydal Cannon. Closed
- It was highlighted that parents are asked to pay for children to go on GAA trips when they are representing the school. Action: Cara Driscoll to raise this request by the parents to the BOM for a decision Update: 29.03.2016 BOM have agreed to fund. Closed.
- The FRC representative highlighted that there is not much transparency on how funds raised are being spent. Action: Cara Driscoll to discuss with the BOM what steps the BOM can undertake to increase the transparency on how funds raised are being spent, in particular to the FRC Update: 29.03.2016 BOM have agreed to greater transparency. Spending also mentioned in BOM minutes. FRC to review any additional requirements and discuss directly with Fiona Rock. Closed.
- Summer Camp
- New Parents Evening
- No Update Carry Forward.
- Update from Fund Raising Committee
- Adult golf classic has been cancelled. FRC will be running a sponsored crazy golf tournament for kids in the school on 27.May.2016; hiring a 9 hole mini crazy golf course which will go in the backyard and is able to fit in P.E. hall if raining. Volunteers needed for the day Action: Louise O’Reilly-Ryan to post a request for volunteers on
- The fund raising committee (FRC) are looking for new members as quite a few of the existing members are leaving. The FRC continually create memorable and enjoyable events for the children and adults of LeCheile, while also raising funds for school activities, so additional members was agreed was a top priority Action: Louise O’Reilly-Ryan to post a request for new members on facebook
- It was noted that the fund raising guidelines on the National Parents Council website highlight that fund raising must have a pre-determined and pre-communicated purpose. Action: Jeff Sweetman to discuss with the BOM and the FRC to decide how best to align with these guidelines.
- Other Items
- Janet Johnson & Liz Winnett are taking over the book rental scheme process.
- Feedback from parents was the singing/dance classes completed by Jacinta Cassidy were excellent and she put on a great school event. The PTA expressed its support for this to be repeated in future years and Nicola Kelly confirmed it was already planned that 6th class would be doing something similar for graduation.
- Erasmus are looking for volunteers to assist with teas and coffees for parents on 08.04.2016. Action: Louise O’Reilly-Ryan to post a request for volunteers on facebook Update 07.04.2016 Completed. Closed
- Next PTA: 10th May 2016, 20:00