Membership Fee for Educate Together
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has come to our attention that the membership fee for Educate Together is €13 and not €15 as charged to you over the last two years. We are not sure how it happened but it has.
It is possible that the confusion arose out of the ongoing discussions with the ET community and Head Office over fees. There was in place an agreement to raise the charge annually by two euro for the last number of years. This motion was defeated at the last AGM resulting in the fees being made the same for the current academic year. We then simply referred to our last year’s book list and charged the same this year as we had last year. Unfortunately, this compounded our original error.
Please accept our sincere apologies for a genuine mistake. We will deduct €4 from next year’s fee.
Should you have a difficulty with this and require an immediate refund please contact the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Rock
On behalf of the Board of Management