Bollywood Party Night – REMINDER – Parking Restrictions
We are all looking forward to our Bollywood Party tomorrow evening but would like to remind you about the parking restrictions:-
We cannot park on the Grammar School grounds or the tennis court, however, you may use the Le Cheile staff car park and lower bus bays (very limit amount of spaces). As per school mornings, the drop & go system will be in place.
To keep this working smoothly we ask you not to park in the drop & go zones. With parking at a minimum and to avoid traffic congestion we REALLY, REALLY, REALLY encourage CAR-POOLING.
Please do not arrive early as this will cause traffic chaos between drop off and collection times. We thank you in advance for your co-operation in this matter.
Finally, we want to wish all our party goers a safe, fun evening and lovely mid-term break.
Le Cheile Fundraising Committee